Tim McGraw Weight Loss Gummies Scam Ad Features AI


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Nov 19, 2023

Tim McGraw Weight Loss Gummies Scam Ad Features AI

About this rating In May 2023, we reviewed several scam video ads on Facebook

About this rating

In May 2023, we reviewed several scam video ads on Facebook and Instagram that claimed to show country music star Tim McGraw saying that his fellow country-star wife, Faith Hill, "forced" him to lose weight by consuming "belly-melt" keto diet weight loss gummies.

In reality, this story about the couple was false. McGraw and Hill have never endorsed any sort of CBD or keto weight loss gummies.

The ads that featured the star couple were nothing more than the latest attempt by scammers to use the image and likeness of various celebrities to try to entice users into purchasing the "no diet or exercise" candy-like gummy products. The purchase of these gummies from scam websites enrolls users in high-priced recurring charges, potentially billing them thousands of dollars over the course of an entire year.

The Facebook and Instagram video ads appeared to feature audio recordings of McGraw speaking. However, this audio was generated by artificial intelligence. In other words, the things being said in the video were never actually spoken by McGraw.

Note: This is different than a deepfake. Deepfake clips show fake video of a person's mouth moving along with the fake audio. In this case with the ads featuring McGraw and Hill, the video showed random clips and photographs of the couple, but only the audio was generated by AI. In other words, none of the mouth movement in the scam video matched what McGraw was supposedly saying.

In order to create the fake voice for McGraw, scammers gathered raw sound clips of him speaking and fed those audio files into a voice-replication tool. That tool then gave the scammers the ability to make it sound like he was saying whatever words the scammers typed.

One of the scam video ads depicted McGraw saying that Dr. Mehmet Oz provided him with the supposed weight loss gummies. However, as we previously reported, Oz also had nothing to do with these products.

In the scam video ad with McGraw's AI audio, the scammers put the following words in his mouth:

After hearing "you look big on TV dad" from my own daughter, I was embarrassed. My wife, Faith Hill, gave me an ultimatum to either get in check and get healthy or they might not be around much longer.

So when Dr. Oz told me there was a way to melt it all off and still eat whatever I liked, it sounded too good to be true. But he showed me Trisha Yearwood and Miranda Lambert's transformation results from using it, and they had both lost a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time.

I gave Oz's method a try, and my God, it helped me drop over 45 pounds in just six weeks and then some! I'm now in the best shape of my life. It even helped improve my singing and performances onstage. I look good and feel even better. The best part was I didn't even need to include hard workouts or strict dieting.

We've officially decided to share the exact same universal method for men and women. So click "Learn More" to get started.

We've seen many more of these AI-generated, voice-replication ads, all of them hosted on Meta. The list of famous people who scammers have used to promote keto weight loss gummies includes fellow country music stars Miranda Lambert and Trisha Yearwood and her husband, Garth Brooks.

While there was an element of truth in regard to one of McGraw's daughters making a remark to him about his weight, the idea that he shed pounds with keto weight-loss gummies was not true.

In 2019, Entertainment Tonight reported that McGraw lost 40 pounds with diet and exercise, not gummies:

After the release of McGraw's film, "Four Christmases," [his daughter] Gracie mentioned to him that he looked "big on the screen." That moment stuck with McGraw, who tells the magazine, "I got out of it for a while. I was in the prime of my career and I wasn't capitalizing on it."

So, the singer started to cut out burgers and alcohol, as well as "truck-stop foods" and began starting his days with a morning walk. Pretty soon, he was going on 20-minute runs and lifting weights. McGraw began to notice that all this hard work and dedication in the gym was translating to his performances on stage.

Clicking on the links in these scam video ads led users to a fake Time magazine article that was not hosted on time.com. Scammers created this fake article simply by copying the design of what a Time magazine story might look like over to a scam website.

The headline in the fake Time article read, "REVEALED: Faith Hill Forces Tim McGraw to Melt 45 Lbs of Diabetic Belly Fat in Just 6 Weeks." Again, none of this was true, nor was this story ever published on time.com.

For more information, we invite readers to visit our archive of articles about keto weight loss gummies scams.