Law roundup: Woman allegedly cut by razor in package


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Dec 02, 2023

Law roundup: Woman allegedly cut by razor in package

A woman bought an item and was reportedly cut by a razor blade she found inside

A woman bought an item and was reportedly cut by a razor blade she found inside the packaging. She called the Kalispell Police Department wanting to know what to do about it.

Someone inside a storage unit was allegedly heard screaming, "Help me." Officers made contact with a woman who was OK.

A barefoot man with gray frizzy hair was allegedly trying to get into vehicles near a business whose manager asked police to move him along. He was told he was not allowed on the property or he would be considered trespassing.

A 13-year-old and his buddies reportedly skipped school and went to a big box store where a parent saw the teen's phone pinging. The parent called the store to have employees page the youths over the intercom and was told to call the police.

A man wearing a camo backpack with several knives and pepper spray on his person allegedly started to become angry after waiting four hours for a money transfer and told an employee to mind their own business. Officers moved him along and told him not to return.

An uncooperative blonde shoplifter with a purse full of items reportedly took off running while someone chased her, despite being told multiple times not to. Officers made contact with the two outside a museum.

Someone purportedly calling on behalf of their neighborhood voiced concerns about an individual living in a small green car that intermittently parked at an intersection. Officers counseled a man about sleeping in the residential area.

A woman allegedly known to use drugs had uncapped needles in her purse.

A woman reportedly in possession of a car she was in the process of purchasing alleged that an aggressive salesman threatened to repossess it or report it stolen after "making" her sign a dual contract.

A man voiced frustration with a neighbor who allegedly called law enforcement on him in the past "for no reason."

A bank employee reportedly wanted a woman wearing camo pants, a black vest and an orange hat, who was standing outside the business, to move along. An officer advised the woman she was not allowed to be on the bank property and moved her along.

A man reportedly started his vehicle one morning and thought it sounded weird so he crawled underneath and thought someone removed a part and was unsure if it was safe to drive.

A property manager complained about two Labradors barking nonstop, fearing it would impede her rental property business throughout the summer. The dog owner told an officer the complainant was overexaggerating. The officer advised him of city ordinances and the potential for citations to be issued.

Someone wanted a man with a suitcase hanging out by dumpsters moved along.

Someone driving a truck on the bypass was concerned a basketball hoop in the bed was going to fly out. They told police they could attempt to re-tie it and drive slowly with their hazard lights on but wanted an officer to check it or bring something to help secure it.





Kalispell Police Department