Tablet Market in a Slump? Revenue to fall by further 2% in 2024


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May 25, 2023

Tablet Market in a Slump? Revenue to fall by further 2% in 2024

The tablets market is facing tough times by a third year of decline on the

The tablets market is facing tough times by a third year of decline on the horizon.

Global spending on IT devices, including PCs, tablets, and mobile phones, has taken a massive hit by a staggering $122 billion over the past two years. The total spending is projected to reach $685 billion in 2023, compared to $807 billion in previous years.

According to data presented by, revenue in the global tablets market is expected to drop by 4% year-over-year to $54.9bn in 2023. The negative trend will continue in 2024, with the entire segment seeing a third year of decline and revenue falling by another 2% to $53.7bn.

Tablet sales have taken a significant blow worldwide, even affecting tech giants. In the first quarter of 2023, global tablet shipments plunged by 19% compared to the previous year. Amazon was hit the hardest, experiencing a colossal 62% sales drop.

The global tablet market's recovery is expected to be slow, with shipments remaining below previous years’ levels. The average tablet price is predicted to decrease by 6% in 2023, the number of units shipped will still be significantly lower than in previous years.

As the market is projected to show signs of recovery by 2025, revenues will remain below the levels seen in 2020-2021. Until full recovery, expected in 2028 when the market is anticipated to reach $59.9 billion in revenue.

For more detailed information and statistics, check out the full article here:

//Staff writer