NIH Dietary Supplement Research Coordinating Committee


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Aug 19, 2023

NIH Dietary Supplement Research Coordinating Committee

The NIH Dietary Supplement Research Coordinating Committee (DSRCC) was

The NIH Dietary Supplement Research Coordinating Committee (DSRCC) was established in 2022 within the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) to increase collaboration among NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs) whose programs include work that focuses on dietary supplements and the intersection of dietary supplement, natural product, and nutrition research. Members include program staff from each NIH ICO who have research related to dietary supplements in their portfolios.

The DSRCC provides research coordination through the exchange of programmatic and scientific information, collaborative planning, and the implementation of relevant activities and initiatives. Specifically, the DSRCC will provide input to the ODS Director on:

Chaired by the Director of ODS, the DSRCC meets to develop, and manage activities that include, but are not limited to, workshops, training, resource development, and funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). Meetings of the DSRCC will feature scientific seminars and discussions with the purpose of disseminating information on dietary supplement research efforts and stimulating new research. The DSRCC may also assist with the preparation of reports on the status and future direction of dietary supplement research at the NIH, the organization of presentations to lay and scientific organizations, and the addition of dietary supplement research to NIH initiatives.

The DSRCC meetings are held bimonthly (6 times each year) on the first Tuesday of the month. Meetings alternate between closed (NIH staff only) and open (all federal staff). Closed sessions focus on internal NIH issues, policy development, and exploration of potential areas to develop funding opportunities. In open DSRCC meetings, the content is expanded to topics appropriate for wider federal awareness, discussion, and collaboration.

Information about the time and location of the meetings are emailed to NIH and federal staff who have indicated an interest in joining the DSRCC. To receive announcements about activities relevant to the DSRCC, please email [email protected]

[email protected]